This morning I was thinking about James' words re:
Faith and Works.
Paul in Romans 10:9-10 tells me to 'Say it'
and mean it....
That my Words reflect my Heart....
Hmm.... Really....?
James says, 'Actions follow the words'
Faith declared is not faith unless it is reflected
in my life..... By actions.
James 2:14-26
When I was a school boy I loved to tell stories...
- things that I had heard or seen....
I always had to make the story a 'little more juicy'
a little exaggerated....
a lot exaggerated?...... :P
One day a friend called me on it.
He told me he liked my stories, he just didn't like me telling lies....
He called it.
After the initial denial, feeling bad, embarrassment I took those words to heart.
I still tell stories.
I still sometimes struggle to 'stay in the lines'
to not exaggerate for 'effect'....
But my declaration by faith
is that I am a 'Jesus man'
One who speaks truth.
That line up with my words.....
You speak to me about
my actions
following my words.
My 'handshake' being my bond
My story - true
My Life actually reflecting You
in deed as well as word.
And when it doesn't.
You remind me
Who I am
Part of Your Family
A Son.....
Keeping it 'in the lines'....