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"There is always 
a 'reasonable' alternative
to faith." - Lawrence Jensen
This morning I was reading about
Israel heading towards the 'promised land'
'Take 2'....
- everyone from the previous generation had finally died except
Moses, Caleb and Joshua...
- They were on their way
- there was opposition and they overcame several kingdoms
East of the Jordan river
and then....
2 tribes, (and later a 3rd) asked,
"Hey, this is a good land, 
it's 'suitable for livestock'.
Can we settle here
instead of on the other side of the Jordan?" ref Num 32:1-5
soooo... they made a 'deal' with Moses
to leave their families for 7 years,
cross the Jordan 
and help the rest fight and get the inheritance
God had planned for them
Promised to them
and was just about to deliver.....  ref Num 32:16-23
Funny how what seemed so enticing
as an alternative
resulted in 
7 long years of commitment
to help others get their inheritance...
....I wonder what they thought after 
they actually saw the land God promised....
No record of that conversation....
What do You have for me...?
that I am tempted to choose
something else
that is immediate and 
instead of pushing through
in Faith...
I actually do know 
that Your Ways
Promises are so much better...
I choose to follow You
and 'lose' what seems 'better' now
for What You have 
promised for me....
Lord Jesus thank You 
In advance....