Good day Black Creek Church Family,


It's the second week of January... and yet... it feels like week 3! 


Their Story.

This week I listened to someone's 'good idea'.  

But I soon realized they weren't really telling me about their idea for doing something better... but telling me their 'story'.  

The events in their past that make them who they are today. 


This morning I heard another similar experience.  

A story that trumps our first impression.  

Someone's story that fills in gaps in our understanding of who they are.... and maybe even why they do what they do.


So interesting... and yet I ask why I don't often

 make space to hear someone's story?  Hmmm...

Could be:

- I'm too busy... I have a timeline. I am 'on the job'....

- I am thinking about myself and my 'story'.   My story is the important one right now...

- I don't see the value in hearing their story.... because something else is more valuable to me?


 Next Sunday, January 19th is a potluck social lunch.

  There will be hot dogs and  beverages served.  

Bring a salad or dessert  (enough for yourself and a bit more) and enjoy fellowship and food after the service.


 Continue to lift up those in your circle of care for what they need.


Paul wrote to the Philippians and reminded them that being an apprentice of Jesus meant 

putting self in the 'back seat' and others in the 'front'

I think one of the miracles of being a 'New Creation in Christ Jesus' is this change from self to other.

2:1    So if there is any encouragement in Christ, 

any comfort from love, 

any participation in the Spirit, 

any affection and sympathy,
2  complete my joy by being of the same mind, 

having the same love, 

being in full accord and of one mind.
3  Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, 

but in humility count others 

more significant than yourselves.
4  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, 

but also to the interests of others.


To hear someone....

my most valuable posture is one of Curiosity

Being interested... choosing to find someone interesting 

and listening for the clues and invitations to open up their box of life.


Blessings as you look 'out' for others

and as you are 'looked out for' by others


Enjoy the week,

Peter Jackson

Part of Your Team

Black Creek Community Church