Good day, Black Creek Church family, 


Donna and I are at camp about 2 1/2 days every week now. 

I have been thinking about a Camp Dynamic that does not just happen at Camp.

It often happens at Bible School as well.


You know, the relationship dynamics that make everything bigger than usual.

I call it 'Concentrated Social Interaction'. 

I mentioned this to someone who has been to camp and they said, "Yeah, Camp is a place you have to Grow". 


Some people say that Camp, or Bible School is not the 'real world'. 

Actually I would agree.  It's not.

In the real world, I can hide out, avoid, ignore, or just plain not deal with relational challenges.

 At Camp, or Bible School it is much more difficult to do that.

Sooner than later....I have to enter into;

- forgiveness,

- apology

- humility

- prayer for all the other things that impact me.


 Romans 12:9  Let love be genuine. 

Abhor what is evil; 

hold fast to what is good.

10  Love one another with brotherly affection. 

Outdo one another in showing honour.
11  Do not be slothful in zeal, 

be fervent in spirit, 

serve the Lord.
12  Rejoice in hope, 

be patient in tribulation, 

be constant in prayer.


 Please Pray for our Camp Bob staff, campers, and leadership as they are in the 'fray' of leading others, growing to know Jesus, and reaching out with Jesus' love in a 'concentrated environment'.


 Pray too for those in our community who are lonely and need encouragement to reach out into their corner of the world.


 A reminder that our church is joining other churches for the Nautical Days Sunday Service on August 4th. 


Camp is the 'real world' of growing up into Jesus.  

Learning how to give grace, communicate through misunderstandings, and not take offence even when things seem to be going poorly.


Blessings on your week as you enter into some of the 'concentrated' dynamics in your own world.

Jesus said He is 'big enough' for every situation you find yourself in.


You can trust Him on that,

Peter Jackson

Part of Your Team

Black Creek Community Church