Good day, Black Creek Church family, 


Two weeks ago I shared my exploration of what Sabbath looks like.

The how and why, and some of the good things that challenge me to practice Sabbath more.


Then I got sick for 4 days, had a migraine for one day, and suffered a significant back muscle injury that more or less took me out for a few days. 

Pretty much a week.... at home, much in bed. 


Someone told me, 'Be careful what you ask for!' 


I don't attribute my difficult week to God 'teaching me a lesson'.

Though the thought crossed my mind... 

He reminded me that I am His much-loved and cared-for child. 


He did on the other hand 'meet me' in the challenges of the week.

He ministered to my heart.

He encouraged me that He IS enough.

He reminded me that though some of my life is like poplar fuzz.....

(A good wind, or rain storm and it is gone....)

He and His kingdom and His relationship with me are real and last forever....


 James 1:12  Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, 

for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, 

which God has promised to those who love him.

17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 

coming down from the Father of lights 

with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.


 Remember to pray for those in your circle of care.  

Why not give them a call or send an encouragement note that you are thinking of them....


This week has gone easier.

I am learning to lean on Jesus

more and more.

And that makes such a difference. 


Blessings as you step into whatever He has for you

this week,

Peter Jackson

Part of your Team

Black Creek Community Church