Good day Black Creek Church Family,


 I am the worst person to...

 I am so weak in the area of....


I just read Paul's challenge to the Corinthians' values regarding those who declared power and authority, and yet were missing key pieces of the good news, (including humility).


Paul said that he would boast of the things that showed his weakness.

I asked myself, "What would THAT look like?"


Then I thought, "What weakness could I boast about?"

and my brain can't even think about an answer, because.... 

I want to look good to those around me. 

- oops I guess I just revealed (boasted about?) a weakness...


Paul's reason to boast of and in weakness?

To intentionally and regularly remind himself (and others) that Christ is his strength and resource. 


 2 Corinthians 12:9  But He (the Lord) said to me, 

My grace (My favor and loving-kindness and mercy) is enough for you <sufficient against any danger and enables you to bear the trouble manfully>; 

for [My] strength [and] power are made perfect (fulfilled and completed) [and show themselves most effective] in <your> weakness

Therefore, I will all the more gladly glory in my weaknesses [and] infirmities

that the strength [and] power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!

10  So for the sake of Christ, 

I am well pleased [and] take pleasure in 

infirmities, insults, hardships, persecutions, perplexities [and] distresses

for when I am weak <in human strength>,  

then am I <truly> strong (able, powerful in divine strength).  AMP


 This Holiday Sunday there is no Adult or Children's Sunday School


Men’s Monday Prayer Breakfast will be winding down for the summer. Last meeting, May 27th.


 Pictures and update-info for the next edition of the Photo Directory  will be taken after the service.


 A big thanks for all those who came out to the Camp Bob Saturday Workday  last week.  It was a fun and successful day.  


 Pray that Christ's strength would encourage those in your circle of care who are finding life difficult.


So how do I view being weak?

My culture and upbringing tells me to work diligently to build up and strengthen areas of weakness.

Not a bad thing.... EXCEPT that..

When I am strong...   It is very easy to be Proud of my self-made 'strong' status. 

And that means I probably won't go to Jesus to get what I really need.


Weak?.... AND YET

He tells me that he delights in me.


 Psalm 41:11  By this I know that you delight in me 

- He looks after me even when friends betray me


O Lord, 

Help me to regularly and intentionally recognize (even advertise?)

my weaknesses

That I might lean into what You have for me.

Your strength

Your integrity

Your knowledge

Whatever You have for me today.

I Need You.


With a thankful heart,  

Peter Jackson

Part of Your Team

Black Creek Community Church