Good day, Black Creek Church Family, 


This week I am back to the routine. 

Work, eat, sleep, fix, read, lead, encourage, listen, apologize....  and all the other things that make up the week. 


The last few weeks of being out of routine, in different places, and with different people has pushed against my daily discipline of reading scripture. 


Not because it is less important or I lack the desire to do it....   

It just so easily gets pushed out of the day when the routine that makes space for it is missing.


I have been noticing something about the focus of the Word of God... 

In almost every passage and story the overarching theme is 'Trust God'   Praise Him in the good and bad times. 

The message: Lean into Him, Grab a hold of Him, look to Him every day.


I realize that choosing to listen to God's word daily pushes back against the myriad of things that try to crowd Him out of my life.  

Things that want to steer the rudder of my life in not necessarily the best direction. 

God's Word keeps me focused on the One who steers my 'rudder' in the right direction. Through storms, harbours and unknown waters.


 Psalm 119:105  Your word is a lamp to my feet     

and a light to my path.


 We are planning a get-together potluck lunch on Sunday September 22nd.  Everyone welcome

Last name A-K please bring a main dish .  L-Z bring a dessert or sweets 


 Remember to pray for those in leadership all over the world.   They need to know God's best plans.


 Hebrews 13:20  Now may the God of peace 

who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, 

the great shepherd of the sheep, 

by the blood of the eternal covenant,

21  equip you with everything good that you may do his will, 

working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, 

through Jesus Christ, 

to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.


Blessings as you make room in your routine to hear from Him,

Through His word

and time in prayer with quietness,


Peter Jackson

Part of Your Team

Black Creek Community Church