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Read about 1 request and 1 question asked of Jesus...    

'Jesus, give us a sign.... (prove yourself)' Matthew 12:38,39
'Jesus, why do you speak in riddles? (why don't you reveal yourself?)' Matthew 13:10,11

The first He denounced as wicked for asking...
The second He told that only a few would get the 'straight story'...


Why wouldn't Jesus 'Advertise' who He was?
Why wouldn't He make it easier for everyone to come to Him?

I met someone the other day
They know about Jesus
I even think they know Jesus...

but they are 'smarter' than His instructions...
they have chosen to live life on their terms
pick and choose what 'works for them'

And Jesus says that;
to those who have...
(result of a relationship that includes obedience)
more will be given...
but those who don't have
even what they have
will be taken away... Matthew 13:12,13

A Kingdom Principle
Jesus did not come to convince the world
that He is the savior
He came to rescue those who are
knocking Matthew 7:1-11

Those who cry out
Those who know they don't have it figured out...
who Choose to replace the lord of their life (self)
with the Lord of Life (Jesus)

I am discovering (again)
It's not intelligence
but attitude of the heart
- need,
- desperate desire
I don't have what it takes
He does....

- My Pride leads to
- my Arrogance leads to
- my Rebellion leads to
- my blindness and deafness
towards Him who would Heal me... Matthew 13:13-15

Oh Lord,
Where are my 'blind spots'?
do I 'have it all together'? (Pride)

I choose once more
- submit to You
- Listen for You
- release my Hold on My way

Thank You for teaching me this morning
Your prerequisite
My Heart posture

humility..... Ps 51:16,17
