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This morning I was reading the

God had Moses teach the people
by having them stand on 2 mountains
Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal.
and declare what would happen if they
Loved God
Despised God

Stark contrasts

Really Good
Really Bad

Read about it in Deut 28

And I was thinking.
I wonder what it was like
to live in view of those two mountains....?

Would it be a reminder growing up?
Would it change me?
Would my mom and dad tell the story of the people
standing and shouting across the valley
the Blessings and Curses?

Would it change my Heart.....?


It seemed like the first and maybe the second generation
of folks entering the promised land remembered...
and it affected their behaviour.... but after that...
not so much....   :(

So what does change how I live?

making a Choice... Yes for sure
But what causes me to even Choose God's way?
- Upbringing and social norms? Yes that's part of it.
- Conscience...? For sure.

but I think the biggest motivator in the past
has for me been

Luke tells of the prodigal son....
'When he came to his senses'
...When he 'woke up'.... see Lk 15:11-24

But like the prodigal son
I would like to think that now that I 'live with my Father'....
Now that I am in relationship with Him
I am motivated out of
Mine for Him
His for me.

I find it interesting
how You have tried to motivate Your people
in so many ways....
and yet...  :(

Lord, I want to choose You
and You have made a way
for me to do that.

You wait for me
You call me
You welcome me

And I do
choose to serve You
with all my life.

Thank You Jesus.