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This morning I was impacted by

Zachariah prayed for his wife to have a baby.  
Years passed...   
Possibly Decades.   
and then an angel 'shows up'   
and tells him, "Your Prayer has been heard...."
and it was so long ago
and so much had changed
Zachariah couldn't believe it
wouldn't believe it.....
I read about it in Luke 1:11-20


Hezekiah prayed for a miracle healing
and Isaiah who had just told him
a message from God
that he was going to die
had to come back and tell him,
"God has heard your prayer
and you will get well..."
That was in 2Kings 20:2-5

One prayed
and it was answered Years later
Another prayed
and it was answered
before Isaiah had a chance to get out of the 'house'....

Thank You Lord
for the reminder
You Always hear my prayers
and sometimes Your answer is:

In Your time
In Your way
In Your sovereign will

Thank You.