This morning I was interested in an event
where Jesus healed people.
10 lepers
All yelled for mercy from Jesus
they were
Given instructions to go meet the priests
as they went
they were healed.....
One came back to thank Jesus.
A samaritan.....
ref Luke 17:11-19
they stepped over the
'appropriate' line.
Yelling at Jesus for mercy
not a very 'Canadian' thing to do
Yelling at Hockey.... yeah.
Yelling at Jesus.....? not so much....
they got results.
Pretty cool. healed of life robbing issues
But the aftermath....
One returned to give thanks
So what about the other 9?
"...Just doing what Jesus told us to do... go see the priest..."
dum de dum de dum.....
No room for thanks and praise?
the man who was thankful was a 'down and outer'
the others were
Did that have anything to do with it?
maybe they deserved it?
maybe the rules needed to be followed so closely
there was no room for deviation...
no room for
celebration and joy....
we aren't told
Jesus didn't run after them to find out why
....But He did wonder.....
It was out of the Normal of what
The God of the Universe expected...
I wonder what I 'take for granted'
What has Jesus done and I just say a
'thank you prayer' and move on
or maybe not even that much....
Lord Jesus,
Have mercy on me
Thank You for having
mercy on me....
Thank You
Praise You
honour to You
Blessed be
Your Name
My Lord
over all.
Thank You
for carrying my life
and giving me hope
and saving me