Good day, Black Creek Church Family, 


It has been a few weeks since I have written to you.

I have been in the Edmonton area with my family.

Last Friday we laid my brother's body to rest at a funeral in a small church under the prairie sky. 

At the beginning of this week I spent time with a nephew and his family unpacking my brother's (his father's) life and death.

Last night we spent time with the dear friend who lost his wife suddenly last month.



It could be.  

Last week I got an email from Steven Falk / Switchback Safety on how to Grieve in a Healthy Way when in a position of leadership.


THAT was interesting timing. (Thank you Jesus)

Check it out here.  Good stuff for anyone in grief or supporting those who are grieving.


So many of you have expressed your love and care, and told Donna and myself that you are praying for us. 


I am realizing more and more that this is what the Body of Jesus is.  

You are a significant part of my team.

You reach out, support, care, and let me know of your kindness towards us. 

I am soaking that up.  Allowing it to lift me.

Knowing that I am loved in this way has made this journey so much more doable. 


I find that I am tired more than normal.  

I find that I am quiet more than normal.  

I find that I move slower than normal.

And That's OK.

I know it is part of this journey.


 There is a Baby Shower at the church this Sunday at 3:00 pm for  Jesse & Theresa Janzen’s twin boys, Johnnie & Ethan. FMI see bulletin.


 Pray for a number of folks in our body who are experiencing grief and loss.


Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, 

for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 

10 So then, as we have opportunity, 

let us do good to everyone, 

and especially to those who are of the household of faith.


That's You!

You love well. You show you care.

I feel blessed and carried.

Thank you.


Thank you. 



Part of a bigger Team

Black Creek Community Church