Dear Black Creek Church Family, 


 I received a bit of 'life wisdom' from my brother the other day.

He told me about how they had driven past a homeless person in the cold and wondered what they could / ought to do... 

and not knowing, continued to drive home.

When they got there his wife said, "We have to go back."

Not knowing what to do they turned around and went back.

The man was very cold and asked to come into their vehicle to warm his hands so that he could light his candle/stove to warm his tent. 

After some conversation he said goodbye and they all went on their ways.


My observation to him was, "That takes significant emotional energy to engage and help in a space where you don't know what is needed." 

He replied, "Yes, but it also takes emotional energy NOT to engage."  

And wonder...

and discuss...

and go away without doing anything.


I thought about that.

A lot.


In fact, I wondered, which takes more?   

- High energy for a short time - to engage.... 

- Less energy for a long time to not engage, but still process and wonder.


Recently I had the choice to confront and set healthy boundaries and expectations 


not confront and live with frustration and not happy feelings. 



 Thanks to all who attended the Tanzania fundraiser for Wade and Brayden.


 This Sunday there will be a Baptism.  If you would like to be baptized, give Barry a call.


 Pray for those struggling with the challenges of life this week.



Looking at the lesson my brother taught me.

Pay now.. 

or later.

The 'layaway plan' usually (always?) costs more. 


I went for the 'count the cost up front' and set the direction with a 'healthy boundaries and expectations plan'.  

It went well.

and didn't 'cost' as much as I thought it would 

(confrontation is not my happy zone)


 Proverbs 3:11  My son, do not despise the LORD's discipline     

or be weary of his reproof,

12  for the LORD reproves him whom he loves,     

as a father the son in whom he delights.

13    Blessed is the one who finds wisdom,     

and the one who gets understanding,
14  for the gain from her is better than gain from silver     

and her profit better than gold. 
15  She is more precious than jewels,     

and nothing you desire can compare with her.
16  Long life is in her right hand;     

in her left hand are riches and honor.
17  Her ways are ways of pleasantness,     

and all her paths are peace. 
18  She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her;     

those who hold her fast are called blessed.


Oh Lord, you build us up, 

so that we can live in healthy ways 

with ourselves and those around us.

Thank you.


Thank you brother for your wise life lesson.


Engage the day,

Enjoy the week,

Peter Jackson

Part of Your Team

Black Creek Community Church