Good day, Black Creek Church Family,


This week I was prepping for our 'Band of Brothers' meeting video presentation.

We have been studying God's words about generosity and how to incorporate those principles and practices into our lives.


A statement that caught my attention was:

'The remedy for greed is to become involved in helping the poor' John Mark Comer - Practicing the Way. 


Jesus' ways provide structure and practices that help me 'keep upright' in my upside-down world.

One example: - Tithing and Sabbath practices.  

 One day a week to honour God and rest, and 10% of my income to give to the work of God in my community.

These practices help me remember that God is my primary source.

Hard work and saving are good things... unless they become my 'security' instead of my Heavenly Father.

 Ask God who He wants to touch through you this week.  It might be a surprise! 

James (Jesus' brother) reminds me that religion is not what I say or even think, but how I conduct myself in a world of need.

1:26  If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

27  Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.


What does generosity look like in my world?

Lord, please teach me and give me opportunities to 

learn and love others better.

As you bless others through me

I know You align my heart with yours.

Thank you, God.


Blessings on your week

Peter Jackson

On Team with you,

Black Creek Community Church