Good day Black Creek Church Family, 


 50 hours in Edmonton.


A few months ago I was notified that my Auntie's memorial would be on July 19th.

 I booked some flights to get there and marked it on my calendar.

I mentioned to the event organizer that I would be available to assist setting up the event if she needed some help.   

No, she had it.

Just a couple of days in Edmonton.    

About 50 hours...

Probably a relaxing break.....


And then things started happening.

My brother got sick. 

My niece had a personal event.

And I realized that God was setting up my time in Edmonton for more.

16 hours into my time there a dear friend called and told me his wife had died  the night before without any indication she was sick.  (They are my age)  

I told him I would be right up that evening.   

After meeting with them his daughter told me with tears in her eyes that God had me there 'for such a time as this'.


And there was more.....


 God has my days planned.   Sometimes I don't realize it.  Sometimes I do.

When I do, I notice I 'travel' the time with others differently.  

I have more of a heavenly perspective.  

I sense God's purpose and care in more of my moments.


 Psalm 139:16  Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; 

all the stages of my life were spread out before you, 

The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day.

17    Your thoughts how rare, how beautiful! God, I'll never comprehend them!
18  I couldn't even begin to count them any more than I could count the sand of the sea. 

Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you!   MSG


 Reminder - On Sunday, August 4th we will be in Marina Park in Comox for the Nautical Day's Service at 10:30   

- bring a chair and arrive a bit early


 Pray that you would know and see God's hand in your day. 

Pray to grab His appointments for you today.

Pray to step in to His 'footprints' and go to where He wants to go today.


Blessings on your week,

As you enter into what our Lord has for you

With Him.


Peter Jackson

Part of your Team

Black Creek Community Church