Good day, Black Creek Church Family,


Over the years I have been nudged..... 

Growing up we learned to tithe.  

Give 10% off of the first and let the rest of the month sort out the 90%

Relatively easy.  

Sometimes it was tight.  

Sometimes it was a bit of a struggle, but all in all it was and is a habit that we just did.

And still do..


Not so much with Sabbath-ing.


One day a week away from busyness, business, obligations, 'have to does' etc.

Being a pastor doesn't make it easier.  


The one day of the week that our society usually makes an 'off day' is usually a significant 'work day' for me.

Is Saturday easier to Sabbath?  

hmm ... prep for Sunday...

Monday?..... Bivocational.... that's time for the other job...

What about Friday?....   

Or some other day of the week?


Maybe a better question would be WHY?

What is Sabbath and why is it important?


Sabbath - one day 'off' 

and tithing finances are similar

They both build Faith in God's Activity in my life

They release me from the bondage that I must control all of my life.

And that frees me up to live with God's provision

- little or much - which usually comes with His Peace


 - with His help (wisdom) 90% is enough - (even more than enough)

 - 6 days a week is enough.... to get done what needs to be done..


Sabbath, Rest, Peace, Worship, and Thankfulness all kind of go together

He made it for us  Mark 2:23-27


This morning psalm nudged me

 David's words - Psalm 62

5  For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,     

for my hope is from him.
6  He only is my rock and my salvation,     

my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
7  On God rests my salvation and my glory;     

my mighty rock, my refuge is God.
8    Trust in him at all times, O people;     

pour out your heart before him;     

God is a refuge for us. [Selah]

9  Those of low estate are but a breath;         

those of high estate are a delusion;     

in the balances they go up;         

they are together lighter than a breath.


 This is the last Sunday for Adult and Children Sunday School until fall.  

Thanks to all those who taught and helped throughout the year. 


This is the last Sunday for updates to the church directory.


This is the last Sunday for Young Adults Bible Study until fall.


 Next week, Sunday, June 16 - Outdoor service and Picnic - 10:30 at the Black Creek Community Center
Bring a chair, salad/finger food, and a dessert.  We provide the rest


 Pray for your neighbours and those in your circle of care.

God is so interested in us and them. 


So...  Do I Sabbath?

I am choosing and will continue to choose to RELAX... 

In Him and His provision every day of the week

But especially on one day.


That will often mean me doing less.... 


 Psalm 127:1  Unless the LORD builds the house,         

those who build it labor in vain.     

Unless the LORD watches over the city,         

the watchman stays awake in vain.
2  It is in vain that you rise up early         

and go late to rest,    

 eating the bread of anxious toil;        

 for he gives to his beloved sleep. 


Step into your week

Knowing He goes before you,

helps you clean up behind,

and covers you in the between. 



Peter Jackson

Part of Your Team

Black Creek Community Church