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This morning I was reading through Nehemiah 
and I came across an interesting name. 
The Dragon spring.  
Apparently just outside Jerusalem at about 445 BC  
see Nehemiah 2:11-16     

I did a bit of research on it.
One fellow, Matthew Poole, who published in the 1600s said;
"...the dragon well; a fountain of water so called,
either from some figure of a dragon or serpent which was by it;
or from some living dragon
which abode there when the city was desolate;
for dragons delight to be in desolate places,
and nigh to springs of water,
as divers (many) have observed.

Oh, isn't that interesting!
Nehemiah sneaking around what was left of the wall of Jerusalem
at night after returning from the exile...
All that is left of the walls are burnt stones and brick and rubble....
and he goes by the Dragon Spring.....

Nothing else is said about it, but I find it SUCH an interesting comment
about the Land of God's Favour....

it so amazing that, for Matthew Poole,
Dragons and how they lived was a 'normal' conversation.
'Those who observe dragons know these things....'

Matthew Poole is not the first person I have read accounts of Dragons.  
Most were authors who wrote pre 1800s...

Job describes Dragons in great detail....   Job 41:12-34

how easy might it be for me
to write off the 'Dragon Spring'
as just a myth...

It makes me wonder....
What do I, living in an 'educated society', miss
because I 'smarter than they were'.... :P

I love reading Your Word
I love how sometimes I discover things about it
that open my eyes to

Please, teach me how to understand
what You recorded in Your Word.
How to read it..
How I should understand it..

I know You speak
and Your desire is bring Clarity...

even when what I have been taught in 'my world'
doesn't always line up with what You say.

Thank You, Jesus
for doing that.