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This morning I was enjoying 
reading again the story of Jacob...
The 'grasper' 
the 'one who trips'...
and then watch him get tripped / tricked
by his uncle Laban... ref Gen 29:22-27, 31:38-44
The 'brackets' to the story
was the dream Jacob had 
while sleeping with his head on a rock
and the promises of God in the dream
and how God
very obviously cared for
and blessed this man that was
actually 'not so nice'.  
After leaving Laban
Jacob recalls the dream and the stone....
ref Gen 28:18, 31:13
You choose people, 
not because they are nice,
but because You do.....
Thank You for choosing me
for granting me
for blessing my life with 
with Your love and promises
for the Blessing of 
Your Kingdom
adopting me in...
even when
I am a 'liar and a cheat'
You love me
and call me
to step into
who I am made to be.
A child of Yours
Yeah. :)