I read a quote from someone the other day.
'The Gospel isn't 'good news' unless it is good news for everyone...'
Sounded like a nice saying,
....a good saying....
until I started thinking about the implication.
The implication is that;
if the work of Jesus (the good news)
means someone gets 'left behind' or not 'included'
....it's not good news...
Interesting thought
Interesting logic for 'Christ will save Everyone'....
or 'everybody goes to Heaven'....
This morning I read a very direct and strong passage.
Jesus is speaking.
Right from His mouth He says,
"Not everyone who says, 'Lord, Lord'
will enter the Kingdom of Heaven,
But only he who does the Will of My Father
who is in Heaven."
Jesus goes on to say,
"I will tell them plainly,
'I never knew you.
Away from Me you evildoers.' "
Whoa. That's a slap in the face.
Jesus is going to tell some people, 'Take a hike!'...?
He finishes the thought by telling about
2 house builders
One builds on Rock
the other on sand.
and when the storms came
one stood
the other fell....
With a great crash.
read it in Matthew 7:21-27
Hmm.... That's Not nice.
Not a nice ending
not Good News for everyone.
In fact I would call it
BAD NEWS for some.
I think The writer of the quote failed to realize
that the premise of the Gospel
is that ALL people..
...can choose.
God's desire is that ALL would be saved....
That is Volitional
That is something HE won't force
The True Relationship that God desires
is for me to
The good news is...
Everyone can.
I can...
and I can receive power to live
the Life God has for me....
With Him.
and I can actually DO the will of God
and my House WILL stand
With HIM!
Lord Jesus,
Thank You for making available
the Good News of being able to choose
and Your life
for me.