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This morning I was thinking of times in my life  
when God's words have held  
mystery and  
sometimes even confusion for me.    

Like passages about Jesus being:


What triggered those thoughts
was reading about Mary and Joseph.
They were looking for young Jesus in Jerusalem
- When they found Him in the Temple....

He - Master of the Universe...
He - a 12 or 13 year old boy...
tells them,
'Why were you looking for Me?
Didn't you know I had to be in My
Father's house?'

But they did not understand what he was saying....
It didn't make sense...

but Mary....
Mary - virgin - betrothed and with child
Mary - married to Joseph - yet mother of
a little baby 
Who is now a 'teenager'
has no explanation but

And she...   treasured all these things in her heart....

I read about it in Luke 2:41-52

It reminded me;
- not to sweat it when I can't figure it out
- not to 'abandon ship' when the Word seems
to present conflicting information
or something that just seems Wrong....

Mary treasured the things that made no sense
She 'tucked them up her sleeve'
She didn't let them consume
or even bother her it seems...

God was big enough
for her to trust Him with her questions
She even chose to make these things 
instead of stumbling blocks....

O Lord Jesus
You are full of mystery
You are so far far beyond me

I give You my confusion
and my questions
As You open and
....Don't open Your Word to me
I trust You
I even choose to
treasure the things I don't know
That You might reveal them
in Your way
in Your time.
