This morning I had a nagging yucky feeling
that I had done something wrong
or something stressful was impending...
As I do.... I went back through my day
in my mind....
"What's up God?
....What's that all about?"
Yup, there was some stuff that didn't go well...
and I had apologized
and received forgiveness....
but there was this lingering.....
hm... shame?
As I opened scripture for devotions this morning....
First reading....
Psalm 25:1
To you, O LORD,
I lift up my soul;
2 in you I trust,
O my God. Do not let me be put to shame,
nor let my enemies triumph over me.
Wow. Is that an answer!
and the enemies?
- whispers of lies
that swirl around in my head....
including my unconscious mind...
Lord You care for me
at my 'soul' level
in my subconscious
Open my eyes to the lies
So that I can choose Light
and Life
and Truth
- What I need to do
- how to clean up any messes...
- What I have already been forgiven of
- that I can understand that
the 'guilty' feelings and shame
that sometimes follows repentance
is a lie
and not of Your Kingdom.
Bless You Lord
Bless Your Holy Name
You are Worthy of Praise and Glory
You are the redeemer
and builder
of my soul
Bless You
O Lord.