Good day Black Creek Church family, 


The rains are coming and fall is fully here! 

I hope you are able to enjoy the changing season's colours and freshness in our beautiful land.


This morning during my time in scripture and listening to an online devotional  I noticed a theme that has been catching my attention:


Walk with God, and know His peace

and the opposite....

Choose self as my center and know that that fruit will not be good.


On reflection, I see this in much of the Bible.  

But recently I have noticed the contrast more clearly.


 Isaiah 26:2  Open the gates, 

that the righteous nation that keeps faith may enter in.

3  You keep him in perfect peace     

whose mind is stayed on you,     

because he trusts in you.
4  Trust in the LORD forever,     

for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.


 This week the youth group is involved in some extra events.

Wednesday - Pumpkin fest 

Saturday - Foodbank

For more info contact Ben Steele


Oct. 27 – 4:00 pm  Christmas musical rehearsals begin. Everyone welcome.


 Reminder: we support the local Bread of Life FoodShare with food stuffs and volunteer help.  

Volunteers tell me that it is an impactful, life changing way to be involved in our larger community.    

 For more info contact Dan at 250 204-3610 cell


 A reminder to pray for those in conflict - especially countries at war.

Pray for a way towards peace for those making decisions that affect so many.


Blessings as you

choose to walk with God

In His ways

Listening and stepping into what He has for you,


Peter Jackson

Part of your Team

Black Creek Community Church