This morning I paused again
to see what it was
that made David, king-to-be, tick....
.....One day I was working in a warehouse
and someone did something 'wrong' to me
(don't remember what that was...)
but I got angry
and I swore out loud....
and everyone stopped what they were doing
and looked.
All these men that swore every sentence it seemed
All these guys that lived life like that didn't matter....
When I said a bad word or two
for what I thought was a good reason.
It mattered....
They stopped and looked
and some even seemed shocked....
Back to David.
How is it that he did Not take vengeance
against Saul
When it was 'his right'!
when he was wrongfully betrayed
he was even hunted as a traitor.
and when Saul was 'given into his hands'
When he had 'opportunity'...
more than once..
David did not 'save himself'.
I think many of those who heard the stories
those in the towns and villages and farms
secretly hoped
that David would continue to be the amazing man
who would not fight for his name and honour
trust God to look after him.
I think many cheered inside when they heard the
stories of David trusting God.
Abigail was one of those who heard and cheered David on
in her heart.
And one day she had the opportunity to tell David.
and even rescue him from his own anger....
You can read about it in 1 Sam 25:20-33
So, what am I learning today?
What was in David
that I can have?
- God is Bigger than my problems
- God cares and is actually going to do something
- God's time table and mine are not often the same.
- I can trust Him
- In fact, my testimony of trusting Him is watched and even cheered on
even by those who say they don't believe....
Lord, Jesus
This is so against my flesh
that loves to 'take issue'
that loves to be in control
And Yet You call me
to Trust In You
for even things that are malicious.
You said, "Father forgive them,
for they do not know what they do."
From the Cross
As they killed You....
You have a lot to teach me.
Thank You
for continuing to do that.