This morning I was reading the temptation of Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11
I thought it was interesting how the 'conversation' evolved....
Satan started with the 'little' selfie things
- Hunger.... don't deny yourself what you NEED.
Then he moved on to challenge
if the Father is really Trustworthy...
'Jump and God will surely save you....
He has to.... He said it.....'
Same trick he pulled on Eve in the garden....
'Did God really say?....' Genesis 3:1-6
And the final temptation
not so subtle.
Satan 'went for broke'.....
'Step into My Kingdom...
under my authority....
and you will have Everything
acknowledge my Lordship.....
Worship me....
.....that's all.'
Lord Jesus,
what are the places that I am tempted and weak?
or blind to the implications of going down that 'path'?
The little 'care for me' things
or the big Kingdom things....
You warn me of the spirit of mammon
and the appetites that my world tells me are good and right
to indulge...
Your Blood breaks the hold these things have on me
So I choose
You again....
I hold to You
I listen to Your Spirit as He speaks from Your word.
You go before me
You cover me.
You will protect me
from the enemy of my Soul.
Thank You.