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This private group is 
moderated by our pastors for the purpose of
connection and encouragement in 4 ways.

Songs sung or played by you.
Words of scripture that have encouraged you (100 word max).
Art work shared to bless.
Greetings through selfies and personal updates

Songs, Words, Art, Greetings - SWAG.

The basic concept is to share your life with each other
- please do not use this to link to other stuff - songs, teaching, news, pictures ...
this is for you to share your stuff.
You can update prayer concerns for yourself,
but use the church prayer chain for other people and situations.

There are lots of amazing songs and teachings on the web but please do not share this stuff on this site.

When you write a scripture that has encouraged you, you can add a few words of explanation.

Do not use this site to:
grind a theological axe,
push a theological fringe,
offer political views or news info,
or even post more than like a few times a week
or the moderators will contact you and or remove your posts.

This site is for the people who attend or wish to become a part of our small community of Faith.

Our desire is to create a private platform that can be safely used by our church family.
We look forward to
having fun with this
and finding connection
and encouragement.

Request a membership at