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This morning I felt a little 'disappointed' with God....   :(
I was really hoping for something different from Him....
Something More?..
Seems there has been an 'elephant in my room' 
since before I started reading the record of Job's sufferings.... 

actually for a long time....

I have known it to be true..
but for some reason hoped it wasn't.....

The 'IT'....?

...God allows Suffering.


either He,
- is GOOD but is too weak to stop it.... NO
- isn't GOOD and therefore thinks suffering is OK... NO
- Is GOOD and looks at suffering much differently than I do.... Yes?

- I live in a culture of pleasure.
More Pleasure.... more better....
Less Pleasure.... not good
Suffering?.... that's got to be terrible.
... Bad.
even Evil.

And yet...
there are so many principles in even my 'pleasure-culture'
that push against that faulty 'worldview'...

Physical fitness does not come through ease and pleasurable experiences
the saying: 'no pain, no gain'
is well known for its reality in the realm of physical fitness.

- Financial 'freedom' does not come with unbridled spending habits
- Sexual health does not come with promiscuity
- Education excellence does not come to the slothful and 'undiligent'

all of those things include some form of 'suffering'
because the principle of 'with pain comes gain'... is true.

Excellence ALWAYS comes with a COST that involves
deprivation of something.

So why am I not 'happy' to find out
God allows (promotes...? aaaahh) suffering?

I think it is all about 'SCALE'
What happened to Job was TOO MUCH suffering.

WAY too much....

- Especially because it involved his kids and his servants
'Collateral damage'...

This morning I read 1 Peter along with some of Job's musings...
Job was looking through a dim glass
Peter, on this side of the cross, has some more clarity I believe.

- Suffering 'cements' my faith in Jesus 1:6-9
- Suffering is an example of Christ-like perseverance to encourage others 2:18-21
- Suffering for being submissive and serving is an incentive for others to change 3:1-7
- Suffering for doing good will bring a blessing and give victory over fear 3:8-14
- Suffering restricts the power of sin in my life. 4:1,2
- and more....

Peter writes, "So then,
those who suffer
according to God's will
should commit themselves to their faithful Creator
and continue to do good." 1Peter 4:19

This is not easy.

Somehow seeing that My Worldview is
'Pleasure is the ultimate Good'
is disturbing...

How do I rejig?
What is Your worldview?
What is GOOD
in suffering... that I have seen as BAD

I choose to Open my Mind
and Heart
to have you speak into
and teach me
what is TRUE.

Yes Lord Jesus
Who Suffered most of all.